Wednesday 19 August 2009

Freddy And The Mercurys part 1

These were two gigs I'd been looking forward to for sometime. It was chance to get back to Spain, a place I'd lived and loved between 1995 and 1997 even if it was only for a few days. Not only that but to tribute a music that I had loved from a kid; I had loved Queen way before I'd even thought about playing drums and even when I did finally start playing, Mike (my older brother) and I would Jam Queen songs until "shut the fuck up!" O'clock!

Main rehearsals took place at the end of July but we were having a brush-up the day before we flew. Gary (the freddy as it were) wasn't there so it was hard to play through the songs almost a month after we had first rehearsed them with no lead vocal reference but none the less we all felt it prudent to do so.

Of the 15 or so songs, only a handful were played through without stopping, this was a worry as I could envisage this happening on more than one occasion on the gig. With a lot resting on this gig it was paramount that we came across like a band that had been together for a while. But with the experience of us all, I am sure that we'd somehow avoid any train wrecks.

The flight out was on the Thursday but Ian and I stayed at Darren's the night before. We did the same when we first came up to London to rehearse. And like that time the sleeping arrangements hadn't changed. Meaning that we both had the sofas, which bothers me not. Not even when considering the one I was saddled with would have made a Hobit feel cramped! Ian in fairness did offer to swap for the larger of the two but being that he's a wee bit taller than I, I felt it would have been a little cruel. All said, it's not like I wasn't used to it, Andy Higgins (Circus of horrors bassist and Pa system owner) has the same sofa. Hmmm, I wonder if they got a deal going where whoever has got me staying over, they arrange a meet to give the midget sofa over to the other.... Just to fuck me up!

Paranoid? Moi?

While we were there, Darren had arranged to meet with a chap he was buying a DW twin pedal off. This chap transpired to be a drummer I saw playing with a band balled British Lion in 1991.

Anyway, think of someone you know that cannot help talking about themselves at any instance (we all know at least one, personally I could make a league of 'em) multiply it by 100 and you'd only be a fraction of the way to this guy! Within seconds of him introducing himself he had DVDs of him playing with his band. A DVD that he claimed was a direct live mix from the desk, despite them being a trio there were extra vocal and guitar parts; "direct mix from the desk eh???"

- in a coughing voice -


There was almost a Stevie moment. These are times where my brain get shoved into 1st gear, the mouth opens and some shit comes out that I come to seriously regret.

For example. Recently we (route 66) stayed at a premier lodge. I got chatting to the receptionist who apart from being very pretty, was expecting. After getting rather candid with her, I asked, "so when is your baby due?"
"I'm not pregnant!"
"I'll get me coat!"

So going back to Mr ME-ME, he says "before the crash, I used to have a girlfriend, now I don't"
And I almost said,
"Well that's women for ya: they're like cats, stop feeding them and they'll fuck off!"
Fortunately for me and all that were there to witness, just as I was about to spout this he said, "...she was killed in the crash!"
Good timing I'm sure you'll agree!

For someone you've just met, he was rather forthcoming with some heavy shit about his life. Bullshit maybe? Who knows. I personally don't think he was a bullshitter per-se, just someone lonely (or downright incredibly self absorbed) enough to carry DVDs, other bumf of his band and photos of a car accident he had some years ago which wasted his girlfriend for the entertainment of random people he may meet in the street, or pub, anywhere. From there he would steer the conversation from himself to his look on himself and what you'd might possibly think about himself. Not that it matters because as long as he thinks highly about himself what does it matter what other people think about himself.....


Suffice as to say, we were all pretty glad when he left the pedal and fucked off with the money in search of someone else to bore. Thought this was after I had exchanged contact details with him in hope of him passing some work my way. It's the London way it seems, shake hands and smile while you secretly think they're a fucking bastard.

Oh man, what have I turned into?!?

More on the gig in part 2!

-- Post From My iPhone

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