Sunday 2 August 2009

Freedom gig part 2

The next day I was up at 8:00, made some coffee and watched tv while Phil and Jay lounged in bed like slugs until getting up so I'd have someone to play with.

A load of fucking slugs yesterday.

We set off around 12:00 planning to stop along the way to grab some breakfast.

This entailed stopping at a hut that was off the road and very smartly made up to look like Hansel and Gretel's woodland cottage made of candy, sweets... and other shit.

An oozing plate of fat and protein comsummed in a similar fashion to the green ghost Onion head from Ghostbusters, off we went to Hayling Island.

It was a quaint little park I must say even though one is much the same as the other, this did stand out.

Set up drums and gear, chatted to the entertainments manager and then were told we have nowhere to hang before the gig as the park was completely full; normally they give us a caravan to chill out in before the gig. We had 5 hours to kill so we went into the coffee shop next door. Jaime layed on one of the sofas and slept again (she was feeling ill) Phil and I opened up laptops and did that-browsing of the internet with no fixed goal in mind-thing for several hours. I saw it as an opportunity to add some blog entries that had fallen by the wayside this week.

By the time I'd written one out, publish it, read it, spot something wrong, rewrite it, post it, read it, spot another thing wrong, rewrite it, post it, realise I forgot to mention something, rewrite it, post it, realise I wanted to put a photo up as well, look for one, find one, upload it, arrange it, post it, read it.... Phil came and said, "we're on in 10 minutes cunty!" I can't believe how long it took to me to do it but at least it did kill the time; It's no wonder how I feel my life is flying by me and it seems so much worse since I've owned a computer and now an iPhone.

"Oh Jesus Christ on a bike, I'm 65, never had married, have no children or anything resembling a life and have nothing but a slow decaying death to look forward to..." As bizzare as that might sound I do think that I will one day I'll look up from my computer and will have a slap in the face realisation very much the like of this.

Got changed and did the gig....
Not elaborate enough? Ok I'll go on about it a little.

I remembered the set a lot better than I was expecting. Phil actually made a lot more mistakes than me. Haha!!! My drum solo, that they insist I do, was as shit as it usually fucking is. But it got an applause. But that means nothing as handicapped kids get a applause for entering a disco competition, it's great that they get involved and we cheer and make them feel happy with themselves but if we're honest, what they actually did is bloody aweful and woefully embarrassing if it was anyone else. That's how I see myself when I do drum solos.

Set down the gig, loaded the gear and headed back to Phil's house.

At a petrol station Jaime and I were blown away by the ammount of spider webs that were built around the pillers holding up the canopy. I would have took photos but they wouldn't show it. Though I realise accounting it now that it doesn't sound like something worth talking about let alone mentioning in a blog, but if you'd seen it, you'd too would find it increadible! It was like Sheelob's lair from Lord Of The Rings, I bollocks you not!!!!

- the BP garage on the way back from Hayling Island.

At Phil's, I drank a bottle of wine with Jaime and Phil, got pissed up and consequently proceeded to offload some personal shit on them. They should have told me to shut the fuck up and get some cojones, but they were very graceful thankfully.

-- Post From My iPhone

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