Sunday 2 August 2009

Teignmouth Music Festival

I was awake well before the others so I watched some TV. An hour or so later, Phil come down from upstairs as did Wayne and Jaime.

Jim turned up for some reason or other but didn't get to hear what it was as I was well engrossed in tech talk with Wayne; he's buying a new phone soon and wanted to pick my brains.

...hmmm, pick my Brains.

"Steve you should have that Brain, it suits you better than the other one"

We all went off to have some breakfast. Still fresh in my mind was the lyrical content of a Frank Zappa song, one I'd known for years but only yesterday I noticed more of the lyrical content and couldn't stop laughing. So I sang it outloud for all in the queue, serving and eating around me to hear. Allow me to enlighten you on the poetic genuis that IS Frank Zappa:

Why does it hurt when I pee?
Why does it hurt when I pee?
I dont want no doctor
To stick no needle in me Why does it hurt when I pee?
I got it from the toilet seat
I got it from the toilet seat
It jumped right up
And grabbed my meat
Got it from the toilet seat
My balls feel like a pair of maracas
My balls feel like a pair of maracas
Oh God I probably got the
My balls feel like a pair of maracas
Why does it
Why does it
Why does it
Why does it hurt...when I

Are you enlightened?

So with a stomach full of shit, it was off to Teignmouth. I travelled with Phil while Wayne took his own car, James had Nathan, Leona and Laura and Clive and Ian went up ahead some hours before.

Upon getting there, it quickly became apparent this might be a nice gig. It was festival like but more the public one you have that the councils put on rather than some paid to get in affair. None the less it would be nice to have a decent sized crowd if nothing else.

There was a very young band playing already. They did a mix of originals and covers, but for young kids (none were older than 19) they were brilliant. All very good players and the spotty little school boy looking one on lead vocals had an amazing voice! The drummer was very good too, his general playing didn't strike me that much but the little shit could play double strokes on the kick drums at about 150-160 bpm; I have tried to do this for years and only crappily manage it at slow tempos. Bastard!

We went off to a quiet pub to discuss the set. Having only an hour spot we needed to trim it down but keep key moments to the show in.

Whilst doing this some typical pissed up cunt decided to hang about, make and a complete nuisance of himself by chirping up when Clive would list off songs by saying, "Ah, not Neil Fackin Diamond... Heez fackin' SHIT!" etc. He cornered Dan, who entertained him for about 30 seconds and was slowly loosening up to twat-him-bastard mode. He then turned to me, at first I tried to given one word answers. But I quickly realised that if I could keep him occupied then he'd then leave Clive and the others alone and thus shit would get done without ANYONE getting punched.

Upon inspecting his facial features a little closer, it was a good call too. First up, he had half an ear. I know what you're thinking, "That doesn't mean he's a hard bastard, he could have got that in an accident" I agree, an accident involving someone else's violent rage driven mouth and teeth! As well as this, he sported a mixed bag of marks and scars all over his mushki. His nose looks like it's been broken more times than a crack whore has been fucked for a tenner. Though it is said that the hard ones don't have scars generally. Either way, I didn't want to find out so I indulged in conversation for a while whereby he'd flitter from being a quite decent chap to chat with, to a complete arsey wanker. I am surprised I got through the incident without having to smack him across the head with the huge bottle of loose change on the bar before he did the same or worse to me!

Before us was a new age Ska/Indie Band. They were good at what they were doing but it wasn't my cup of tea. My Cup of Tea is a cup of Tea....

Phil and Ian before show time
View from the stage
Audience view, Indie Ska band playing.

The bands turned around via a 30 minute break. So it was quickly up and put my cymbals on stand and pedal on the kick drum. I decided to use the house kit as it were. It was a Tama Granstar, much like the one I used to own until 6 years ago. I took a photo of it:

Tama Granstar - Percussive symbol of the 80's
Dan Reeve - line checking
We quickly line checked and flew straight into the set. At first people didn't seem to respond to us that well but as the show went through, they loosened up a bit. Before I knew it, we were done having to extend the end a bit as we were 15 minutes early. So it was high time for the BIG END FROM HELL!!!! It was like, "ok, I have had to hold it down all gig... it's the last chance to fucking go for it! Forget all that artistic and musical expression shit, the person that plays the most notes wins.....1, 2, 3 - GO!!!"

We hung about for a bit while the band after us were playing. I got chatting to the nice drummer for the last band where he gave me some rather nice compliments, which was nice.

Nathan had some friends down to watch as they were living locally. One of them was a singer in an Abba tribute band.

This is her in her Kitchen...

...But wait.

It's the band's VAN!!! I was so in awe. It has beds, shit house, shower and space for all the pa and gear and as an icing to the transiting-of-musical-folk-and-all-their-shit cake, it has an awning. Tranformers FUCK OFF! I've been hunting for contender for the "Best Van in Britain" award. I think I might have found a new winner!

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