Sunday 31 May 2009

Who's who.

I've mentioned a few names of the cast without explaining who they are. So I thought I would brief all of you (so far I have 4 following this diary yey!) of the cast starting from top to bottom in order of importance, as far as I see it at least.

John Mills - Company Director. Doesn't have much to do with the stage side of things but it's where the buck stops in terms of chain of command. He pays me so I find it fitting that I put him first! He turns up to a show once ever so often just to say "hi" etc.

Below him in the office you have his three sons, Ross, Darren and Ryan who work with another chap called Richard Pryce Hughes. All of which have job descriptions but I am buggered if I can remember what they are. Ross is more hands on with everything than any of the other two of John's sons.

Wayne Denton - Company Manager. Which means when we're away, he's the chap in charge. Though I will add I've noticed he's selective of this role! He's also one of the Singers and an acoustic guitarist with the show.

Katie Ashby - Principle Vocalist and Choreographer. She's a great singer and a lovely person. Takes way too much on her little shoulders than she needs to and doesn't get the respect she deserves in my eyes.

Clive Jackson - AKA The Doctor (from Doctor and the Medics who had a major world wide hit in the 80's with "spirit in the sky" but doesn't like to talk about it hehehe) Awesome bloke is a source of so much fun and tomfoolery. He totally makes the whole thing more fun purely for his precense there. He rocks like Elvis!

Bill White - Stage Manager - Does a lot more than he's given credit, a bit sarcy and whiney, but a really decent guy none the less.

Paul James - AV opperator. Does the screens and other sound related stuff. A really nice guy but makes out a small job is a massive one ALL of the time, bless him.

Phil Walker - Musical Director, guitarist and vocalist. Phil's a great guy, totally salt of the earth. Also a great musician!

And I suppose the rest are all on even keel with things.

Jarvis Allen, FOH sound engineer, Dan Reeve - Monitor Engineer, Paul (something or other) Lighting. There's another guy but I can't remember his names! C'mon, it's only been a couple of days and I am not known for my memory!!!

Nathan James - Male Dancer/vocalist. Great guy, amazing singer, incredibly handsome but despite the women thowing fanny at him from all angles, not his 'cup of tea' shall I say? A rising talent I shit yee not!!!

Laura Clinton - Second Vocalist/Dancer, Anna Ludford - Dancer, Phoebe Appleby - Dancer, Leona - Dep dancer/singer for Katie and Laura. All of which are as hot, in their own ways, as a hot thing near an open fire on a very hot day (I couldn't think of a better mataphor)

Ian Kinber - Keyboards, James Hartley (a monitor man's nemesis) - Bass.

And right at the bottom of the pile... ME, nuff said!

Photos of all to follow if I get muster the will power to copy and paste them from various locations.

Selsey pt 2

Well despite the claims that it would be full, the first half of the show wasn't at all. And the crowd that were there didn't give a shit for a theatre show the like of ours. That said we all did our best and gave it as much energy as we could given the limited wing stage/space.
The small numbers was attributed to Britain's Got Talent final, the FA Cup final and the fact the weather was awesome and everyone was out having barbecues etc. Seemed like it was true as the second half was full up!
I played ok but made a few mistake and fluffed a few fills, damn! Generally it was ok though.
There was a hoohar about changing songs about because only two days in people were losing their voices, WTF?!! Suffice as to say because of lighting plotting, it went as normal and people that were having voice issues would have to put up leading to a fair amount of moaning prior to second half.
Clive, Ian and myself stayed for a few drinks. Went to bed about 1:30 by myself.
Home tomorrow for two days.

Posted by ShoZu

Saturday 30 May 2009

Selsey part 1

Didn't shrug off the hangover completely so had to buy anadin from reception before we left.
The journey down could have been better but went fast as could be expected given the distance. I kept myself amused enough with my collection of ricky gervais podcasts I have on the iPod and various tunes good to fill the hours of a long journey. I particularly find Megadeth a good choice in this endeavour!
Once here we stopped at a cafe for something to eat and then to the gig.
It's at a holiday park, a far cry from theatres but thy said a lot more of a venue than most parks I've played on over the years.
Set up went as normal but there's a lot of tension between cast members. I think the long drive to accumulate on what they see as a "shit-hole" of a gig has soured morale somewhat. My take? It's sunny, we're gigging (thus getting paid) and it's going to be full apparently so let's just play a good show and enjoy. It could be worse, we could all be working in shitty full time day jobs!

Posted by ShoZu

Friday 29 May 2009

Bridlington after show

Well tonight went much better than I was expected. Personally, I played flawless gig, no mistakes and plenty of energy. And this is in spite of nursing a hangover and a migrane headache.
There were plenty of other mistakes from others in the cast but again not as bad as we were expecting.
I like having headphones as monitors. I remember suggesting this as an idea the last time I was on the drums on The Circus Of Horrors, wished I'd pushed the idea now!
There was a good sized crowd in too. I wasn't expecting that, goes to show yee o little faith! Hope it's the same for the rest of the tour. I hate playing to small crowds, well small as in not sold well.
We have a 2 hour drive to the digs, kit is packed and ready to me loaded so I'm off, I can hear Clive on stage through the intercom asking where I am.
More tomorrow after a decent sleep and hopefully no headache/hangover.

Posted by ShoZu

The load in at bridlington spa pavillion.

The chap is Bill, he's a tech with the show. Does a bit of everything but mainly lights and pyrotechnics.

Posted by ShoZu

Bridlington promenade

Posted by ShoZu

Bridlington spa pavillion

Posted by ShoZu

My lovely drum kit

Not the first nor the last time I'll post a pic like this, but it never gets boring!!!

Posted by ShoZu

Bridlington part 2.

Well we're here, it's a lovely day, the kit is set and I'm waiting to soundcheck. I'm also wondering if I'm going to be able to keep the frequency of blog posts up. If I get to maintain one per day, that would be fine.
Just had an email confirming yet another date has been pulled. The Middlesbrough show to be precise. My friend Rachael, who's living up there, mentioned this might be the case some weeks ago so it doesn't come as a complete surprise.
Ah, best post some pics I've just taken.

Posted by ShoZu

Bridlington, first date.

Don't feel well at all as I'm travelling from Derby to Bridlington. It's probably, I mean, DEFINITELY something to do with the Vodka and Southern Comfort I drank last night. I have affirmed by belief that I could never be an alcoholic, I feel way too bad after a session to even contemplate another drink other than water for sometime to come. Even the black coffee I drank to help perk myself up was horrid!!
Jim and phil don't feel too well either, that's not the beer though, that'll he the pollen count today. We're like the walking wounded today, what a start?!?
Almost at the theatre, let's see what the tide brings on date one...
More to follow later folks.
Uuuurgh!!! (a groan let out as I'm feeling well shite)

Posted by ShoZu

Thursday 28 May 2009

En route to derby

The worst part of touring. The drive from place to place. In an ideal world all the gigs woud be within a 50 mile radius of each other. But more often they ate rarely less than 200 from on another as so most touring consists of this!!!
In the drivers seat is Clive Jackson, singer from Doctor And The Medics. He alone makes the journeys less tedious; he's one of the funniest people I've ever met.

Posted by ShoZu

Second rehearsal day part 2.

We've eaten, rehearsed the second half of the show and now have stopped for a break.
The new dancer/vocalist is awesome and totally looks the part.
Instead of using wedge monitors, we're all on in ear monitors because of all the singers moaning last tour about the volume of the band. It's a weird feeling and it sounds good. The only problem is the fact I'm using big headphones making my ears get really warm and making me look like a cross between princess Leah and Craig David from Bo Selecta!
The music sounds ok and the new tunes bring a freshness to the show that would otherwise be a little tedious.
I think we're running a dress rehearsal and will strip down before we move on to Derby for the digs before the first show tomorrow at Bridlington.

Posted by ShoZu

Feeding time at the zoo!

Cast and crew delving through the food provided at lunch.

Posted by ShoZu

Day 2 of route 66 tour

Well, day two and the shit is already flying.
After watching Man United get concincingly beaten by a much better side, I headed to the pub for a few drinks with the cast. I called Kev for a bit to have a chat and discuss keyboard players for his cruise. Still so gutted that I cannot go but that's life. One door closes another opens, I hope at least.
We got in today at 10:00 and 2 hours later, not much rehearsal has been done. The band have run through a few tunes but that's about it. Yesterday we ran the whole first half and were done, quite productive as the 'dep' girl learned loads of stuff while we were running through it. Today so far has not lived up to it!
I arranged a meet with my old mate Mandie for the scheduled 1:00 lunch break but was then told lunch was at 12:00 so had to cancel. Life on the road with Route 66, I'm already sick of it and we've not even done one show yet!
I fear a long and tedious time ahead over the next seven weeks!!!

Posted by ShoZu