Saturday 30 May 2009

Selsey part 1

Didn't shrug off the hangover completely so had to buy anadin from reception before we left.
The journey down could have been better but went fast as could be expected given the distance. I kept myself amused enough with my collection of ricky gervais podcasts I have on the iPod and various tunes good to fill the hours of a long journey. I particularly find Megadeth a good choice in this endeavour!
Once here we stopped at a cafe for something to eat and then to the gig.
It's at a holiday park, a far cry from theatres but thy said a lot more of a venue than most parks I've played on over the years.
Set up went as normal but there's a lot of tension between cast members. I think the long drive to accumulate on what they see as a "shit-hole" of a gig has soured morale somewhat. My take? It's sunny, we're gigging (thus getting paid) and it's going to be full apparently so let's just play a good show and enjoy. It could be worse, we could all be working in shitty full time day jobs!

Posted by ShoZu

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