Friday 29 May 2009

Bridlington, first date.

Don't feel well at all as I'm travelling from Derby to Bridlington. It's probably, I mean, DEFINITELY something to do with the Vodka and Southern Comfort I drank last night. I have affirmed by belief that I could never be an alcoholic, I feel way too bad after a session to even contemplate another drink other than water for sometime to come. Even the black coffee I drank to help perk myself up was horrid!!
Jim and phil don't feel too well either, that's not the beer though, that'll he the pollen count today. We're like the walking wounded today, what a start?!?
Almost at the theatre, let's see what the tide brings on date one...
More to follow later folks.
Uuuurgh!!! (a groan let out as I'm feeling well shite)

Posted by ShoZu

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