Sunday 31 May 2009

Selsey pt 2

Well despite the claims that it would be full, the first half of the show wasn't at all. And the crowd that were there didn't give a shit for a theatre show the like of ours. That said we all did our best and gave it as much energy as we could given the limited wing stage/space.
The small numbers was attributed to Britain's Got Talent final, the FA Cup final and the fact the weather was awesome and everyone was out having barbecues etc. Seemed like it was true as the second half was full up!
I played ok but made a few mistake and fluffed a few fills, damn! Generally it was ok though.
There was a hoohar about changing songs about because only two days in people were losing their voices, WTF?!! Suffice as to say because of lighting plotting, it went as normal and people that were having voice issues would have to put up leading to a fair amount of moaning prior to second half.
Clive, Ian and myself stayed for a few drinks. Went to bed about 1:30 by myself.
Home tomorrow for two days.

Posted by ShoZu

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