Sunday 31 May 2009

Who's who.

I've mentioned a few names of the cast without explaining who they are. So I thought I would brief all of you (so far I have 4 following this diary yey!) of the cast starting from top to bottom in order of importance, as far as I see it at least.

John Mills - Company Director. Doesn't have much to do with the stage side of things but it's where the buck stops in terms of chain of command. He pays me so I find it fitting that I put him first! He turns up to a show once ever so often just to say "hi" etc.

Below him in the office you have his three sons, Ross, Darren and Ryan who work with another chap called Richard Pryce Hughes. All of which have job descriptions but I am buggered if I can remember what they are. Ross is more hands on with everything than any of the other two of John's sons.

Wayne Denton - Company Manager. Which means when we're away, he's the chap in charge. Though I will add I've noticed he's selective of this role! He's also one of the Singers and an acoustic guitarist with the show.

Katie Ashby - Principle Vocalist and Choreographer. She's a great singer and a lovely person. Takes way too much on her little shoulders than she needs to and doesn't get the respect she deserves in my eyes.

Clive Jackson - AKA The Doctor (from Doctor and the Medics who had a major world wide hit in the 80's with "spirit in the sky" but doesn't like to talk about it hehehe) Awesome bloke is a source of so much fun and tomfoolery. He totally makes the whole thing more fun purely for his precense there. He rocks like Elvis!

Bill White - Stage Manager - Does a lot more than he's given credit, a bit sarcy and whiney, but a really decent guy none the less.

Paul James - AV opperator. Does the screens and other sound related stuff. A really nice guy but makes out a small job is a massive one ALL of the time, bless him.

Phil Walker - Musical Director, guitarist and vocalist. Phil's a great guy, totally salt of the earth. Also a great musician!

And I suppose the rest are all on even keel with things.

Jarvis Allen, FOH sound engineer, Dan Reeve - Monitor Engineer, Paul (something or other) Lighting. There's another guy but I can't remember his names! C'mon, it's only been a couple of days and I am not known for my memory!!!

Nathan James - Male Dancer/vocalist. Great guy, amazing singer, incredibly handsome but despite the women thowing fanny at him from all angles, not his 'cup of tea' shall I say? A rising talent I shit yee not!!!

Laura Clinton - Second Vocalist/Dancer, Anna Ludford - Dancer, Phoebe Appleby - Dancer, Leona - Dep dancer/singer for Katie and Laura. All of which are as hot, in their own ways, as a hot thing near an open fire on a very hot day (I couldn't think of a better mataphor)

Ian Kinber - Keyboards, James Hartley (a monitor man's nemesis) - Bass.

And right at the bottom of the pile... ME, nuff said!

Photos of all to follow if I get muster the will power to copy and paste them from various locations.

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