Friday 29 May 2009

Bridlington after show

Well tonight went much better than I was expected. Personally, I played flawless gig, no mistakes and plenty of energy. And this is in spite of nursing a hangover and a migrane headache.
There were plenty of other mistakes from others in the cast but again not as bad as we were expecting.
I like having headphones as monitors. I remember suggesting this as an idea the last time I was on the drums on The Circus Of Horrors, wished I'd pushed the idea now!
There was a good sized crowd in too. I wasn't expecting that, goes to show yee o little faith! Hope it's the same for the rest of the tour. I hate playing to small crowds, well small as in not sold well.
We have a 2 hour drive to the digs, kit is packed and ready to me loaded so I'm off, I can hear Clive on stage through the intercom asking where I am.
More tomorrow after a decent sleep and hopefully no headache/hangover.

Posted by ShoZu

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