Friday 3 July 2009



I set an alarm for 9:00 am so that phil and I would catch breakfast. I happened to be well awake long before that though but kept tossing and turning, well more tossing than turning!!!

Phil opted to remained in bed so I went to breakfast alone. But thankfully there were plenty of the cast there for me to play with in kiddie terms. Clive was still taking the piss out of the Humber Bridge shit from the previous night. He even got Wayne in on the act to which I was only able to say "fuck off!" to. Weird that, it came oh so naturally to say to him.

Got back to the room, packed my stuff to leave when I noticed phil had "signed the guest book" as it were in the bathroom. Here's proof:

The guestbook signed P. Walker esq. An abstract piece of art painted with the botty Mars Bar.

Once out of the room, phil and I had a quick coffee in the foyer before leaving. We did play that trick on Jim that nabbed phil and I some weeks ago because like always, jim was taking his sweet time leaving the hotel. So Clive parked the car around the corner giving the impression that we'd left without him or had forgotten him. But as with the last occasion, Jim spotted us and thus the wind up had no effect unlike the time with Phil and I where we were about to walk off the tour in a puffing red faced cloud of pissed offness.

After about an hour we were in Scarborough, a place I lived for two summers between 2001 and 2002. Seems like yesterday but yet I remember them both with great fondness.

The theatre I know from a Circus of Horrors tour when I last played drums with that show. Andy Higgins will also know it as it was the place where my car broke down and we waited hours in the freezing cold waiting for the AA to arrive. I didn't see how an addiction therapy group could help with a mechanical problem but I was to be proven wrong at that instance.

See what I did there?

I built the kit up fast and then went off for some dinner with Phil, Clive and Ian. We elected for a regular bastards pub along the front. Given the awesome weather Scarborough was chockablock with fat trashy northern folk donning union jack t-shirts, shorts, flip flops and the obligitory lit fag with ash dropping onto the screaming child in the pram. I'm talking real pillars of society here!

After lunch we went off to another pub and watched the Williams sisters just make everyone that played them look just plain shit on the tennis court. We discussed which would "we do" Clive was with Serena, I was with Venus but only if life on Earth had been wiped out and it was down to she and I to repopulate the planet. But even then I think I'd try and spurt the goop into a yoghurt cup and get her to do a handstand and then I'd tip it in because amazing tennis players they are, they are both down right nasty! To me it would be shagging a heavy weight boxing champ.

"C'mon Lennox, part those cheeks, I'm a comin'!!!"

The notable thing about this show over others is it's the first one I've done with no Katie. It may be the first one ever with no Katie. She's got another gig somewhere which has put a cat amongst the pigeons. In her abscence some songs were dropped and laura and Pheobe were to cover. Anna came in an did the harmony line on american trilogy and nailed it better than Katie!

The show went well considering the lack of prep for having a key person missing from it.

I packed the gear down and got the fuck out of there. We aren't driving all the way home like we would have been normally as it's just too far to drive; I wouldn't expect to get in until 7:30 at the earliest so shit on that, we have a Days Inn booked near Sheffield.

Phil went back to Wayne's to get his van so I had a room to myself. As I write I am lying, piss stained Y- fronts all ashow making Douvet Angels on the twin bed AND fucking lovin' it.

-- Post From My iPhone

1 comment:

Mike, Jacqui and Ieuan Mackrill said...

Lennox would as well!

Gotta say mate, those Williams sisters... you don't look at t'fookin mantlepiece when yoor pokin t'fire as my mate Andy would say!