Tuesday 9 June 2009

Back In Blighty And 3 Days Off

Up at 7:45, eating breakfast at 7:55, on the bus at 8:00, I thought I did pretty well considering I had not slept much.

Wayne actually said, "someone's took my seat!" looking at me in a joking but serious way. We're talking about a grown man here folks! He figures that as he's company manager (when it suits him) by default he should have the first single seat of the mini bus, as that's the law! As he sat behind me, I said to put his bottom lip in as it was hitting me on the back of the head. I braced for a cutting retort...

Yeah, it didn't come!

Wayne was flapping again at the airport which put everyone on edge. Got checked in eventually and proceeded to get a coffee.
During security check, airport staff deemed my Tama drum key from the Iron Cobra pedal a security risk and told me I couldn't take it. For fuck sake, what did they think I was going to do? Tune up someone to death in the name of Allah? So in the isle of man it stayed. I'll try and locate another from a drum shop or eBay but I don't hold a lot of hope in finding one. So from this day forth I'll look to the slot on the left pedal where it once lived and feel like an injustice hath been done. But I'll try and focus on all the good times we had together and cherish it's short life... Sob sob!

That soured my mood for all of 20 minutes until I got on the plane and started acting the Twat. Clive was hoping that our seat numbers would have us several rows apart as he was determined to not go through the torment that was sitting next to me in a metal tube, travelling at 420 mph 23,000 feet up for an hour. As it turned out I was given the seat right behind him. But in the interest of my fellow man I thought I'd spare him my rambling annoyances and so I shutted the f#*k up for the majority of the flight.

Once back on terra firma I was happy that we didn't die in a screaming firey ball...again which was a bonus to the day's proceedings.

After the usual docking about at the airport we got back to the hotel and made off in our separate ways. So it was back to Clive's car, Ian, Phil, Clive and myself off to Wales for three days before Friday's show in Scunthorpe.

More when that happens I guess. No point in making a blog of three days of doing nothing. But if you really would like me to, then I'll do it here and pre-empt what is likely to happen thus saving you the hassle of checking back.

Woke up, ate, watched tv most of the morning, checked emails, deleted all the spam about Viagra and penis extensions tsch tsch (but took a note of the number to call) ate again, went to gym, came home and went to bed.
Did the same as Wednesday.

Happy? I hope so!

Geolocate this post.

Posted with LifeCast

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