Thursday 4 June 2009

Milton Keynes

Woke to the sound of Crime watch uk on tv and made me feel wonderful about being British! A far removed point of view I know. So I turned over and watched some Jeremy Kyle instead. After a dose of Kyle branded justice I felt more at ease with the world!

I made coffee and phil woke up and was complaining about another hangover. Seems little poppet drank too much again the night before, that will teach him...or not as the case will be.

We headed off to Milton Keynes and it was Clive that shared the debatable story about where the phrase "cock and bull" story came from as it's relevant to today's show. I say debatable because I looked it up on the net and there is a certain amount of conjecture about it.

Back in the 16th century the village of Middleton was a popular coach stop between London and the north. Two inns there became the exchange of stories and news of current affairs. But the very nature of that meant that by the time information was passed on it became very distorted and very far from the actual truth from which they originated. The two inns were the "cock" and the "bull" hense "cock and bull story" Both inns still exist today.

Some articles I found on it from a google searched provided some alternate theories. But I'll not bore you any more than I have done already with them.

Anyway, got to the gig set up and I am now waiting to play the show. Apparently there'll be more in tonight but it's not great.


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