Saturday 13 June 2009


I kept tossing and turning (more tossing then anything else ;) before eventually getting up before the schieduled alarm call of 11:00. Had some coffee with Phil before deciding to go for some breakfast before leaving to the next show.

Little Chef, big rip off!!! Though that said, it wasn't as bad as other places I've eaten at recently. The difference in Weatherspoons prices for the same meal depending on where in the country you are being the case in point. The problem for me is that a lot of a set meal I don't eat and even though most places are accommodating with substituting something for something else, I inevitably end up with less to eat than the set menu this feeling cheated, cheated I tells ya!!!!

Got going and then checked into the Premier Lodge early as it was on the way to Colchester. We went for something to eat in the adjacent pub. This time though I'm happy to say that even though I paid through the nose, it was plentyful and very nice indeed.

Being of charitable nature, I bought a raffle ticket off superman, or a studenty blokey dressed as superman at least. For all I really knew, it could be just a front to fund his beer swigging, e taking, hard work shirking lifestyle. He sported an official charity ID badge, I didn't check it closely so who knows.

The ticket had three questions that you'd scratch off the possible two answers (true or false) to be drawn in a chance to win X amount of money or something.

They were as follows:

1. The national railway museum is in London.
2. The seats in the house of lords are red.
3. Elephants are the only animal to have 4 knees.

I won't say what my answers were but I will say I got them all right! Theeerrreeewaaaargh!!! Now I have to send it off to the address on the back having given all my details, name, address, phone numbers, dob, email address. As I write I am thinking that it could some identity fraud thing or the address is a derelict iron mungers that closed in 1991 after a Tesco's opened half a mile away putting it's corporate boot on the drowning heads of all small businesses in the area... Or something.

We are now off to the gig to set up. So more later about the show and anything notable about it in the next post.

Oh by the way, feel free to leave comments people, I would appreciate the feedback!

Posted with LifeCast

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