Saturday 6 June 2009

A lesson to kiddies and general folk contemplating using alcohol as a recreational endeavour.

Now listen up folks!
Here's a photo of Phil Walker (Texas Wanker) he's the musical director and guitar player for the show. You can clearly see by his expressionless eyes and chimp like gait that all's not well with Phil today.
This is what is known as a hangover. It's not the first one he's had, indeed it's not even the second. It's actually his 4th in a row. And yet, the lesson hath not been learned.
Imagine flu, with a headache you'd get after headbanging at a motörhead gig (like I did once) for an hour, multiply it by 100 and it wouldn't even scratch the surface of how Mr Walker here is feeling.

So children, if you want to know how it feels to be eaten up by a dinosaur, shat out and pissed on by a passing crowd on a stag do, then I'd advise drinking several pints of beer and spirits on successive nights.

If you don't, then DON'T and learn by Phillip's very apparent mistake.

This blog post was brought to you by the letter "H" and the number 2.

Posted by ShoZu

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