Saturday 13 June 2009

Scunthorpe Part 2

30 minutes late for build up but as I said in the last entry, we'd still be done by soundcheck at 5:00pm. After a few days off I thought I'd be extra excited to see everyone again, I wasn't. But that's not to say that I didn't want to see anyone, it's just another day at the office for me.

Up and soundchecked and it was off to dinner to the nearest "spoons" just like it is on The Circus Of Horrors. We may not have The Hig en tow dictating the odds and falling asleep mid dinner with a book open in one hand, but he's with me in spirit. I typically had my mixed grill, it was awesome.

Got back to theater and before we knew it, showtime! And to my amazement, we had a good crowd in. It wasn't a big place but it was great to see a plentyful gathering! We had a great show and after packing down the kit I came away feeling rather upbeat.

After a long ass drive, we were at the travelodge and I was hoping to go straight to sleep but oh no! Sleep DENIED! Clive, Ian, Paul and Greg decided casa de Phil & Steve would be the venue for a "keep steve awake with moaning and grizzling about everything and everyone" after a while of sleep deprevation, I joined in. After all, when in Rome and all that.

Geolocate this post.

Posted with LifeCast

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