Friday 5 June 2009

Milton Keynes part 2

Ah, you have to take the rough with the smooth and if the last couple of gigs were the rough, then tonight was somehwhat nearer the smooth. That's assuming that a proper depiction of smooth in these circumstances would be a 20,000 capacity crowd with perfect monitoring, faultless playing and enough fanny/drugs post show a budding rock star could eat!

Basically what I am saying is that we actually had a good crowd in to watch the show tonight and we all played well, the sound was good and everything was kosha. The only thing missing was the fact we all have to wait for payment for another 3 weeks. 

It wasn't a large theatre but a very nice one with a lovely pa system offering perfect coverage all over the room. And Milton Keynes is a weird place, a nice place, very functional the way the road system has been designed (and it had been) but.. blah blah, I am so boring. Shut up Steve and get to something more interesting. Er, yeah the gig and that...

I would have actually loved to have been doing the sound in this gig. But for a change, I was on the drums wishing I was on pa?! Man I can't be pleased can I? But seriously, I was happy to be on the drums tonight. 

So yeah the show went well which was lovely after the last couple of shows. The band and I are starting to take the piss out of certain members of the show on stage in the darkness in between songs in the interest of Fun, or even, FUNNY! But we were talking on the way back from the show that unless we're careful, we're (or I more like) will get rumbled one night and get seriously bollocked. 

After the show, I chatted to my mate Kev for a while on MSN while on the move.. Check me and my tech savvy media applications on the phone etc. Got to the hotel and decided to have a few drinks with the cast before bed. It's another Ramada and I am determined to not just used the free gym but get me some of that free breakfast too!

More tomorrow peeps!


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