Saturday 13 June 2009

Colchester Wash Out!

And there we have it folks, a clue within the title. What could have been the best gig of the tour so far was probably the worst given the stakes. The stage was huge, sound was excellent, nice easy load in as it was a lovely big sports hall with a bar at the back, the kind of place we did on the circus many times. The only thing missing, PEOPLE! I know how Will Smith felt in I Am Legend now. At one point I thought the chairs would walk out! There can't have been more than a 100 there in a hall that would have housed 1500. Everyone else was slightly disheartened but very much loosened up and got with the job at hand. Myself? I was very dejected.

But best make the best of a kack situation and so I tried to get into the gig and play well. The latter I did at least.

After the show, we set down and sped off to get back to the pub at the premier lodge before it closes at Midnight.

As I write the others are ordering drinks, myself I'm in the room not feeling the party spirit at all. Bah humbug!

But there's hope on the horizon. It's just a pisser THAT horizon is very very far away.

Sorry there's no funnies in this one folks, not much happened to take the piss out off. O lord let there be something for me to take piss from tomorrow!

Geolocate this post.

Posted with LifeCast

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