Sunday 7 June 2009

Barking Gig

Barking is a typical Essex town. There's not much to note that makes it stand out. The local pastime however must be Spot The White Person though! Now before you soldiers of the PC brigade smite me down with all your liberal wrath, I'm not being racist just merely stating an observation. There seriously wasn't ANYONE non ethnic about AT ALL!

So it wasn't a surprise that the show hadn't sold well...again. I mean given the demographic, how the fuck would an American rock and roll/country show attract anyone of that nature?
Imgine if you will, a Nigerian family hiding from immigration, living in the loft of a second cousin twice removed who's on an expired student visa who attended precisely NOT ONE lecture. A Malaysian couple running a south east Asian food store, not that anyone other than Malaysian would know as the sign is written in Malay. An Indian Market trader specialising in dodgy knock off t-shirts that say shit like "Addadas" and "Reebock" and finally the Russian pimp that in between assuming three identities in persuit of fiddling the benefit system, smuggles young women over the channel in the petrol tanks of HGV lorries under the pretense they are going to the west to work as a nanny for £195 p/w plus expenses only for them to be forced drugs on them so they end up slaves to heroin which makes it easier for them to be molded into the prostatutes for which fat Arab oil execs screw before returning to Saudi under the pretense they were actually procurring lucrative contracts from UK refineries.... (takes a deeeeep breath) imagine then into town rolls Route 66, an american rock and roll/country show...

All raise their hands into the air and let out a huge sigh of relief in a collective display of "thank f#*k, just what we've needed to relieve us of the daily routine! Thanks oh lord..(or Allah more like)" NOT!!!!

Or it could just be poor sales are due to promotion and marketing being lackluster like it has been on a lot of the dates so far. We walked about the town to get some food and saw only one poster. That's more probable the reason me thinks.

But as it happens it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. It may not made money but I wasn't expecting to see anyone. I'd say there was a good 150 there or something. All were coccasion surprisingly which I guess supports my theory to a point. As it was better than was I was expecting, I got into it and had a bloody ball on the kit.

I've been doing this thing for shits and giggles where in between beats I flip off the monitor guy, he finds it hilarious but after doing so much I've concluded I should in fact cease that exercise. Main reasons are it often makes me mess up the timing of beat and most importantly, it cannot look professional from an audience point of view to have the drummer flicking the Vs and flipping off someone side off stage, pretty much every crotchet and sometimes every quaver note. So I think I'll stop that this instant.

So the gig went well. I had a drink in the hotel with Clive, ian and Phil. I even had a piece a pizza and a jack and coke with a full fat coke, had to get to sleep fast as the guilt of deviating off my diet plan was killing me!

Got a call from Kevin at 3:00 am which scared the shit out of me as I thought something was up. It wasn't, he was acting up being on the piss in aberystwyth. What he said made no sense and was just a load of bollocks!

It took ages to get back to sleep, nice one Kev!

Geolocate this post.

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