Friday 5 June 2009

Reddich pre build up

The alarm woke me and so as we were staying at a Ramada again, I was determined to get myself out of bed and get myself some breakfast after missing it the other day. And I am happy to say I did just that and had enough to make two, as I was effectively having two giving missing out the previous time. Look, it makes sense to me okay!!

Went back to bed for a while before heading off to the FREE gym. You gotta love these Ramada hotels. I do feel a little bad that Showproviders are spending more on accommodation than is necessary though. Especially as they haven't made any money on the tour as yet, well in fact they are several thousand down. No one else seems to give a Rat's ass about that, some even joke and laugh about it, I certainly do not. I doubt they'd be laughing and joking if any cheques bounce!!! Oh no siree!

The Gym wasn't in the complex, it was a 10 minute walk away through the town centre. A 10 minute walk if I was running full pelt or was a giant more like! After finding it I did 30 minute bike ride and a 30 minute run before hitting some weights. It was fabulously equiped gym and I dread to think what it was have cost if not for us staying in the Ramada. 

Clive came too, I decided to take a video of him on the treadmill as it was a bit of a spectacle. Fair dos though, he didn't shirk out at all. 

After I was done I did the walk back to the Hotel, in the bloody rain and wind. I didn't have the foresight to take a jacket so as well as being wet through from sweat, I was doubly soaking through rain. Not to mention bloody freezing... But I did just mention it?!? Never understood that expression.

Anyway, we're about to leave for the show build up so I'll sign off here. More later peeps!

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