Wednesday 17 June 2009

Blackpool 2 - The Return Part 2

In the previous post I said that likened the return to Blackpool within the same tour period (month even) to a Hollywood movie with a working title of "Blackpool 2 - the return" because "the revenge" wouldn't have been a fitting term as it was likely to be another wash out shower of shit... And it was, but less so. It comes to something when you feel better about a show if it's not "as shit" as others. So being as we had over 260 in (though that's debatable) I think I'll review my supposed working film mataphor title from "the return" but not to "revenge" as that still isn't fitting. Hmmm, I got it!

Blackpool 2 - the half witted retort.

Ah, perfect!

Blackpool North Pier (Top and Bottom)

So like I said, 260 sold tickets. The company may have broken even tonight. But it's unlikely, I still worry about that every time we play a show.

The show went ok though I made a couple of booboos in the first half. I thought one of them I did in I'm A Believer was blatently apparent, but no one noticed. Though I remember Katie looking round at the time with a "what the fuck" type of look on her face. So I'll rephrase, no one in the band noticed. I must have made a good recovery! It goes against the old welsh musicians code - If you're going to fuck up, make sure you do it twice and loud enough for everyone to notice.

The view from the band's dressing room. You could pretend you were Kate Winslett and Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic at the end of this pier couldn't you. I mean, er, like you know, if you wanted to... um, if that's your thing. It's not mine but, you know maybe it's yours or something or other. Best continue I think.

My brother was expecting his first child as we were playing our first half. At the interval I was expecting a text or answerphone message with the good news, but nothing. After the second half, still nothing. And now it's 12:00 we've set down and packed up and driving home and still no news. I'm very worried about them now. I called home and not even they know what's happening. So forgive the lack of funnies, shit's just got serious!

I'm not a religious man but I'm praying to God now.

Geolocate this post.

Posted with LifeCast

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