Tuesday 9 June 2009

Isle Of Man Part 3

The drums. I thought I'd got a closer shot.

paul making himself useful

Event running order

Chilling before soundcheck

As it looked from the crowd

We got to the venue at around 8:00 pm and Quill, a local folk band were already on. The thing most significant to say upon entry to the festival was that there was hardly any bugger there. "Oh here we go, another route 66 wash out shower of shit!" was pretty much all I could think to myself.
The second band came on and nothing changed, they were pretty good. Well, both bands were excellent really. But as direct result of the poor turn out, my mood was purely on getting on, off, to bed and back to the mainland and in time I hope I'd forget all about it.

But how wrong could have I been? Well in all honestly a lot more wrong. We suddenly didn't get a rush of folk piling in off the street but a significant increase in numbers appeared just before we came on injected some much needed enthusiasm in me. It quickly became a decent sized crowd. I'd say a good thousand which is by far the most I've played to in a while.

A faulty sub woofer on the drum wedge almost delayed the opening but Dan quickly worked frantically to get it working then we were off.

I now know what it's like to play a festival stage WITH people. It's an awesome feeling too. Phil was shit faced but played well in spite of that, he's a better man than I. If I'd consumed that amount of alcohol throughout the day, I wouldn't have been able to say my name without it sounding/looking like a stroke victim let alone being able to play drums. Hense forth I was sober as a judge.

...and before I knew it, it was all over and we were walking back to the dressing room somewhat elated that we'd pulled one out of the bag as it were. We were unsure whether the show could be scaled down for a festival, but it proves that it can and that it goes down really well too.

After we all went out, I got a little tipsy and made a clown out of myself. We ended up at some club which was more like monsters Inc. or the Star Wars bar. I was getting a rather bad vibe from the nasty bruisers that were hovering about so I decided to go back to the hotel.

Several hours later, Clive calls and coaxes me from my slumber to party, he wasn't taking no as an answer, so off I went.

Got back to bed by 4:00 am and would be awake at 7:45 to catch the bus to the airport.

Geolocate this post.

Posted with LifeCast

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