Wednesday 3 June 2009


Hey douche bags!
I dunno to whom I refer when I say that as I've no idea who's actually giving a shit enough to read these blogs everyday. But I'll give a shout out to those I know read it, or have read it at least.
Hey Kane, Hey Benny, Hey Carmen, Hi my Yhing! Anyway, on with today's entry.

As it was phil's birthday last night, we had a few tipples once we got to the hotel. And it was a hotel too. None of this usual Travelodge stuff which incidentally is fine with me. No! We stayed at a ramada. Which does question the finacial aspects more considering they must have lost several grand from last nights show.
Anyway, they opened the bar just or us and we had a few drinks as a collective. Later, after being abused and being labelled a "useless human being" for not being able to name another cheese in the amazing and fun game of "name a cheese" (oh we're a real bunch of party animals I shit yes not!!!) a select few headed back to our room and continued the shindig determined to burn the midnight oil as it were, I was asleep 30 mins later! RAWK!!!

I bloody missed breakfast, the free breakfast I'll add by 15 minutes. I could hve sworn that someone said "10:30" for when it stops. How often does this happen to me and why do these bloody places think that everyone works a 9-5 and is up at 7:00 am for f#$k sake????
Went back to the room, had coffee and decided I'd use the gym, the free gym I'll add, and try and at least get my (or theirs) money's worth.

"Hello sir, I'd like one ticket to sweaty bastardsville with a stop at knackered town along the way please!"
"Get on Mr. Mackrill there's plenty of space!!!"

More later!

Posted with LifeCast

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