Friday 19 June 2009

Torquay part 2

As I write my thoughts on the second part of the gig, in terms of writing this down, are simply: gig went well, not many in but better than expected, packed down and got back to the digs and went to bed. Being as true that is, that's not worthy of a blog entry so I'd better get with the elaborating already!

The theatre was the very same theatre we did on the last circus of horrors tour, the very same one that saw Gary stretch walk out after a row with Rob Mander and not come back. It seems like just last week that happened, not 3 months. Boy is this year trundling along!

The show was good, nothing notable which I guess means we all played well and the show went down good, bonus!

The digs were a holiday park near Clevedon; a break from the norm of Travelodges and Ramada hotels. There was a breakfast thrown in which made it worthwhile if nothing else. That said, the rooms (or chalets) were nice.

There was to be a gathering at Clive's room once we got back but I wasn't up for it at all. I was so hungry I could have eaten the scabs off a tramp's ass on a grass salad. Having no money and nowhere to spend it even if I had meant there was nothing I could do about it. Tethered with being really tired too I opted to go straight to bed while the others burned the midnight oil.

In the morning when I awoke I saw a missed call and text saying there was some food at Clive's room. This bothered me not as my hunger didn't prevent me sleeping and I was about to go breakfast anyway.

At breakfast I chatted to Paul.... 'nuff said! Bill Jarvis, Dan and Andrew were there too on the next table and mostly through theirs when I went over unannounced and said, "Hi guys! Sorry to spoil your breakfast but I've come to spoil your breakfast" in a "yeah I know everyone is cheesed off but that doesn't mean we can't still have a laugh" type of way. Needless to say it had a mild effect. Still I tried.

Before setting off to Hertford for today's show, Phil and I were admiring the work of nature that is Dan's beard. It started back at the head of the tour as a mild stubble, now 3 weeks in it's so thick I would suggest it might have its own Eco system. Just to make sure that it is real, I had a feel and stroke and boy it's got some masculinity! I don't know whether to class it as facial hair or something you'd wipe your feet on before entering a dwelling. I'll suggest to him later to have "welcome" dyed into it.

Still, it could come I useful should my toothbrush loses bristles.

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