Saturday 6 June 2009

Reddich After Show And Barking Pre Build Up.

I didn't get to complete an after show post so I thought I'd combine one with the pre post of the following show as we're on our way.
Going off the point a little, I know it's nothing new but you have to marvel that I can do this on the move without having to be at a computer with an Internet connection. A few years ago one of the band that was at Rockwell cafe used to go across the road to the Internet cafe everyday where Chilo, my girlfriend, worked to spend an hour or so there to add to his blog that all his friends back in new Zealand would read. Nowadays he could have just done it from his phone and stayed in the band appartment. Though it's pretty limited to just text and single image uploads. Maybe there'll be an update which utilizes full featured formatting at some point... Anyway, rambling on I'll continue with the tour so far.

Well despite the good turn out at Milton Keynes, Reddiich wasn't well sold either. It could have been worse though I suppose. Eitherway, they would have lost on last nights show too. The fear of not being paid due no funds at all is ever more present as the days roll on.

Show wise, it was a good one musically. Phil said it was the best the band played. Personally, it felt the same as most other nights. Depite John Mills being in the watch, I still kept up my onstage banter with Dan on the monitors.

One of the technicians at the theatre was called Tim Mackrill, he too is a drummer. I also met him mam and dad and it was weird because we were talking like we were actually family! So along with Don Mackrill's drum shop (somewhere in England) Andy Mackrill (Phil Collins' long time drum roadie) and me I'm starting to think there may be something in the genes that makes us drummers or involved with drums.

... Or it could just be a bloody coincidence Steve you douche!!!

After the gig we went to the pub next to the hotel. Phil wasn't having a great night due to some news he'd got. But a few beers later he was pretty chirpy again. He'd regret the beers the next day though! We went back to hotel and sat in the lounge with jarvis, dan, Paul (moonpig) Clive and Ian putting the world to rights. Suffice as to say the next morning it was still messed up.

Phil and I got up and went for breakfast. But despite my plan to gym it again, the rain and being knackered forced my hand. I was to learn a huge lesson for not waking him to accompany me to breakfast the previous day. I'm still feel so bad that I didn't today. Just have to make sure I'm not so inconsiderate in future.

He was feeling really bad all the way to Barking, 4 pints was all it took to f#*k him right up. That's his 4th hangover in a row now.

I wonder what today will bring.

Laters folks.

Geolocate this post.

Posted with LifeCast

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