Saturday 27 June 2009

Latvia part Un

6:15am I was up, phil was already all showered up when I woke. We both left the room and went down for some breakfast before we left.

In the absence of my usual cooked breakfast, I had some yogurt. Everyone was down and at the mini bus for 6:30 am. A frantic pack of the bus and we were off to the airport terminal, a mere couple of hundred metres from the hotel we were staying at.

A massive plume of smoke was seen to be rising into the sky from what seemed to be the far end of the airport. I frantically scoured local news to find information about it.

At check in Clive and I asked the attendant what it was: "it's the end of the runway" and left it at that. Even when we asked what it was she gave us no more of an idea and simply refused to answer, respond or even acknowledge we'd asked her in that downtrodden secondary school dinner lady type of way. Overall she was very robotic in her manner ad quite uninteractive. Can't say I blame her, she was Scotish, Arabic in appearance and working at Glasgow airport after all; that's enough to jade anyone.

After a short flight to Gatwick, a load of fucking about in transit getting luggage and a massive wait to check in, we were on a plane to Latvia.

-- Post From My iPhone

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