Sunday 14 June 2009

Clacton - rock and roll Mecca!

Before I begin with today's post, a shout out to some friends that I know read this.

Olivia Middleton - ignore that fat mouthy biiiaaach!
Sarah Garaway, Lo Sez! I'd apprecaite the link to that bloke you were telling me about.
Sean Murphy bar manager extraordanaire, hey Sean! Hope all's well there. Sorry to hear about Pang' such a shame. Miss you buddy!!!!
Shaun Holton - rising Australian Superstar. Watching your progress with awe in what you're doing with your music. You rock, you know you rock and I'm planning to keep telling you you rock for ever. We know it's true! Downloaded your tune from iTunes, it's amazing to think we were playing together just a year ago.

Right, onto today.

I didn't go to Clive's last night for the party, just wasn't up to it after last nights gig. I wasn't planning on drinking so coupled with my mood, I would have only been likened to the grandad at a kiddies' birthday party that comes down from upstairs and shouts "keep the noise down, I fought two world wars for you little shits! Have some respect...!" but without all the self righteous ranting.

Then again, the ranting, despite my efforts to calm would probably have manifested itself should someone have mentioned such topics as:
Teenage pregnancy
Knife crime
MP expenses scandal
The labour party and Gordon Brown
Modern policing tactics
The gulf war & war of terror
Benefit cheats
Jeremy Kyle
Gordon Ramsey
Russel Brand & Jonathan Woss (see what I did there? Oh yes I'm a bloody comic genius me!!!)
The Teletubbies
and finally the hypocrasy, heresy and propaganda that IS, and I'm serious as Cancer when I say Rhythm is a Dancer....

Nursery Rhymes & Children's songs! Puff puff puff siiiiigh!

So instead I stayed in the room and watched "100 most funny films of all time" The Life Of Brian being the winner. Good call! Though blazing saddles was number 2! Good call too. Talking of Heresy, according to ancient texts within the book of "apparently" the now mayor of Abwrystwyth was in The Life Of Brian. It's been said that she played Brian's girlfriend. If that is indeed true then the Lord Mayor of Aberystwyth got her bushy minge and tats oot for all to view on that classic piece of celluloid. And (and this is most probably the actual true bit) it was still banned up until her coming to office. She held a special screening of the movie in the town to celebrate the lifting of the ban.

Now who says that welsh politics aren't cutting edge now eh?

Clive called me at 12:10 saying, "right, we're off. So there's a taxi number on the desk. It's £35 to Clacton so we'll see you there!" not knowing if he was serious and with phil still in the shower I just said, "right ok!"

So upon leaving the lodge, NO CAR! I thought, "fucking bastards!" Phil came out a few minutes later and was dumbfounded at the notion of being left behind. After a few texts back and forth, it was indeed true we were left behind ad instructed to get a taxi. So I said that we'd in fact get a taxi but not to the gig but the fucking train station and they can find a replacement drummer and guitarist.

It was at that point a smug looking Clive - the doctor from doctor and the medics - (as it says on his passport) Jackson came to view. The fucking bastards had been hiding around the corner having a right ol bubble! (as in bubble bath - laugh. For those of you not familair with nuances of modern Cockney rhyming slang)

Yeah we were well punk'd.

Off to the gig, more later.

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