Monday 8 June 2009

Isle Of Man Part One

Phil and I were rudely awoken by the alarm! No, Mike Peters and co DID NOT come into our room and strike up a verse and chorus of 68 Guns or the valley lament, A New South Wales. No siree, it was Phil's phone that was the bearer of that bad news. He got up and had a shower, I didn't.

Had breakfast and met up with the rest of the cast. While there, some Jamaican man felt it prudent to talk to himself and then me, as I was standing next time him in the queue and share with me that he doesn't eat pork, "no pork!" he repeated twice. Like I give a shit Leroy! What do you want, a medal?

A panic ensued as we were all getting into the mini bus. As 3 of us were 3 minutes late, Wayne actually said, "fuck em, leave them here!" that's comeraderie isn't it? All for one and one for all! Pah!!!!

Got to the airport and Wayne quickly passed the company manager buck to whoever was more willing to take it. That person was Clive who actually did a stand up job and begged the question, why is Wayne even company manager? Why would Wayne (or anyone else for that matter) even want to be company manager as it's a clearly a role laiden with responsibility and stress?

We got checked in and quite quickly headed to the bar. I consumed 2 double vodkas and diet cokes in 15 minutes to ease the nerves.

Before I knew it, we was on the plane. As type were about to take off. So see you in The Isle of Man!


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