Saturday 27 June 2009


Normally I take two or more post for each tour date with one being written in the morning on the way to the gig and the other after on the way home. But in this instance I find myself a day later without even starting one about this date. But in the interest of keeping the momentum up of this blog, I'll do my best.

I woke at the travelodge where Phil and I went across to Morrisons for something to eat. I had the rather unusual combination of Strawberries and cream as well as a full English. It was like that sketch from Little Britain. If you don't know which one I mean, then I'm sorry if that's lost on you. Needless to say sketch is bloody funny!

While at the cafe there, I saw a Simpsons doughnut! I've never seem one before and thought that it was something you'd only encounter in the united states. You know the one, that pink one Homer always eats? I even took a photo of it:

Simpsons doughnut. Ok it's similar but that's good enough for me.

Jarvis and Dan were having a royal nightmare trying to get the truck started. So we headed off without them knowing they'll get there eventually thanks to the AA. Jarvis made a noble, troop inspiring statement. The kind of thing that Custer would have said to his ranks before battle... And probably before he led them all to their bloody deaths at the hands of a load of pretty pissed off native amercans but I digress!

"We've never not made it to a gig... Ever! Go, we'll get there!!!!" It was worthy of an oscar, if he was an actor... And this was a movie. But he was right, he got there hours after us and set up like his life depended on it! Soundcheck was only half an hour later than normal and the whole gig wasn't affected by it at all. Kudos to you Atlantic Audio... Your nation is proud of you!

The truck is still buggered though which means to start it up they have to do this:

If you can't see what it is, they have to tip the cab up and short out the immobaliser. Quality!!!

There was a meeting called with some horrible news which shook the whole cast to the core. Nothing to do with Michael Jackson's death though, oh no! that was soooo yesterday!

We had to wake up at 6:00 am to be at the bus at 6:30! Some of us were white with horror. "But, but, but what about our sleep???? Waaaaaaaaaagh!!!!!"

After the trauma had subsided the gig went awesome. I played well as did everyone else. I don't recall any fuck ups at all.

For a change I'm not being sarcastic!.... Honest!

There was a panic to pull down with the chaos that will be the Latvia date tomorrow and all the logistics involved. But despite that we were at Glasgow Ramada hotel in time for a a few drinks at the bar before a measly 4 hours sleep. Being a hardened, ass kicking and taking names Rock and Roller like myself, this was merely a walk in the park.

Before bed we watched Lilly Allen at Glastonbury. "this song is about finding the perfect guy but finding out he's shit on bed!"

Well here's an hypothesis for you miss Allen, maybe you don't turn him on with you pathetic cockney bollocks!

Just an idea?
-- Post From My iPhone

1 comment:

Mike, Jacqui and Ieuan Mackrill said...

Poor Lily, I'm sure she can act, and use her rampant rabbit afterwards