Friday 12 June 2009

Back On The Road - Scunthorpe

Bloody hell, I was so knackered getting up after my alarm at 8:30. I made a todo list on the phone using an application called "touch todo" which sends you emails/text messages as an alert. Pretty cool feature so long as I don't get charged. I say cool feature but I forget that todo or tasks are, and have been for some time, a standard feature on even the most basic phones. There's no native todo feature on iPhone and apps that do todos have to use some long assed winded work round to alert you of the entry. And then you don't get an option of reschedule or remind later like on Nokias or Sony Ericssons unless you actually reschedule manually. Oh how we iPhone users overlook the lack of the most basic things on a modern phone all because we got suckered in by the marketing machine....

The list was stuff that I need to take and remember to do before I left.

And I still forgot something! Namely my headphones as the ones I have been using I fear are too high an impedence drawing just enough amplitude with no headroom from the headphone amp. I have to leave trying another set until another time.

Got to Ian's and then Clive's. And so the long journey to scunthorpe began. Helped not in its pursuit of being shortened by the bloody traffic. I wondered whether Clive would attribute it to me like he did whenever it happened in February as he used to joke that I'm like some bad luck gonk. Or the god of motorists and thus when I'm ok the move, my deciples flock to my presence like the queen of an ant colony. I asked if this was undeed what he thought but he wasn't sure yet, I guess he'll conclude this is the case sooner or later.

As I write, we are officially late for build up. 4:00 pm is the scheduled time, we estimate a 4:30 pm arrival time. Thankfully this isn't the circus of horrors so when we do arrive we are not going to met by the tapping foot/watch pointing regiment.

It'll only be 25 mins to set up the kit so I doubt we're going to be late for a soundcheck. So long as my minions mass to my presence no further to bask in my almighty combustion engine-surrounded by a metal composite exterior-glory.

More later. Probably to moan about crap turn out etc.

Geolocate this post.

Posted with LifeCast

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