Saturday 20 June 2009

Hertford part Dos

I would say that 90% of the tour diary/blog entries have been composed on the iPhone while on the move, pretty much as the events happen. It's a great way to jot ideas down (not that I have any) if you're a creative thinker. I can imagine if I were a song writer, it would be an invaluable tool for capturing moments of lyrical inspiration. But as far as it concerns me, it great for occupying myself while on the long drives from show to show, battery permitting of course; my feelings of which are vast but that's best left for a blog in itself.

But at this occasion I find myself typing this out the day after the Hertford show and after a short sleep but at the computer instead of the phone. And man alive is it much better and easier to write a blog entry than on that bloody infuriating device! Especially when in transit. I spend more time back spacing due to typing errors... not mine though, the fucking PHONE'S!

To make a touch screen device work, they had to write software that kind of guesses what word you are trying to type given the variables in mistyping. So throw in some unknown words to it, slang and jargon and prepare yourself for frustration.

For example, the word "fuck" (one I use a lot) being too close spelling to "duck" it always guesses I am trying to say that word. "I told him to duck off" (back space) "I told him to duck off" (back space) "I told him to f-u-c-k duck off!) Even when I carefully selected the letter slowly, it selects duck again. AAAARGH! Being also that I have pretty fat fingers, mistakes are common. Like Midgets' cocks they are!

Of course it's more my fault because I am typing so fast to get all that shit out running around in my head, I don't care to be more accurate with typing. So typing the same sentence over and over again, with a failing battery and an element of car sickness creeping in, you can see how the frustration can make me see RED. So how it's not ended up in several bloody pieces is only a miracle. Though it's probably more to do with the fact I tend to think of the £150 cost I shelled out only 6 months ago whenever the rage overcomes me. Coming back to the point as much as like the iPhone and I suppose other touch devices, give me button anytime!

I suppose I better talk about the rest of the gig last night.

After my dinner, I set the drums up and sound checked. We ran a few tunes and discussed a change in the running order due vocal fatigue etc. It was no biggy, I just hoped that I'd remember it on the gig.

After, had a sit down outside with, Phil, Ian and Darren Juniper (Phil's bassist mate) who'd come to see the show. We discussed the up coming rehearsals and Queen tribute shows we are doing in Spain in August. I thought to myself about when I can take some time off to get to Abu Dhabi in between.

I had a walk around the town before heading back for the show. As I walked in, Jarvis and Paul were at their desks, so I thought I'd go up and have a chat. While there I looked at the stage and realised I had forgotten that the set looks great. With the lights and the shiny new Harley Davidson, yeah it looks great! And I also forget, whilst obsessing about no fucker coming to the shows, that it is a good show. That's what everyone says after all. Buster Bloodvessel (from 80's Ska band Bad Manners) came last night and he too loved the show!

But still like almost all the shows before it, it wasn't well sold. No surprises there! I joked with Pheobe and Nathan (they were travelling with us because we were driving past their homes) that the 66 in Route 66 signifies the average number of tickets sales. Route 66-people-in-tonight!

After driving through the night to Nathan's house in Reading, dropping Pheobe off at Leigh Delamare services, getting to Clive's in Brecon and then being dropped off at Ian's to get my car before the hour drive back to Swansea from Tredegar, I didn't get in until gone 5:00 am. It was like the Italian Job!

And still I didn't sleep straight away. Watched a little Redtube, blew my tanks and only then was I ready for bed...

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