Monday 1 June 2009

Day off before Blackpool

MY GOD ALMIGHT!!! What awesome weather we're having. Waking up to the bright blue skies doesn't half help with the morning mood where a coffee and fag would normally be the catalyst! It reminded me of all them years in the Middle East. I was asked if I ever got used to the heat and sunshine all the time and I have to say, "Yes!" You would assume that 45 degree temperatures with humidity to rival the Amazon would grind you down very quickly but it didn't. Though the first year I was there I remember handling it a lot worse than the summers that followed. And with recent events starting to pan out, there's a possibility that a call might come to return there at some point in the near future. I certainly haven't ruled it out like I would have thought I would some years ago. "Five years is enough" was my stance back then, but with work looking like it is and the exchange rate being very favourable, one would be a FOOL to turn a gig down.

I am sure I had plans to do things today, but they have all but failed me thus far. I had a vague plan to do some more programming for the Faith album that my brother Des and I will eventially get to record with the assisstance of a certain Steve Balsamo.

I did get some emails from the office which instantly made me think, "Oh shit, not more gigs cancelled!?" But alas not, it was more about accommodation arrangements after the Blackpool show.

Clive called to finalise arrangements to get to his tomorrow and a subtle hint to not forget my passport for the flights to Isle of Man and Latvia later in the month. I set a reminder on the phone to not forget, but that isn't a gurantee as I've failed to remember something before after setting a reminder.

Wayne sent me message asking about comps for the upcoming shows. I replied with the ones I know but if any of you would like to come to any of the shows, please check the dates below on the link and let me know asap.

With all the talk of flights, I started shitting myself about the 4 I would have to take very soon. This was emphasised by the fact an Air France plane crashed in the Atlantic today. Great! But what I am to do? Phil's take is to get shit faced on the plane on the way over, but I think he's missing my point; I don't want to die in a plane crash!

Right, going to get a heavy session done in the gym before the 8 day run (or whatever it is) before the next day off.



1 comment:

Yhing said...

Hi My Steve!

I love reading your blog babe... Sounds exciting. I hope you are ok and not working hard and not worried about anything.

I will expect more from you..write more about the tour babe ok!!

Love you po and take care always


Your Yhing