Thursday 25 June 2009

Back on the road - South Sheilds

After 5 long and boring days off, I find myself up at twat o'clock again for a twat's drive to South Sheilds... I must be a twat!

I spent last night at a gathering my friend Julia had arranged. I arrived late as I was at my sisters' with her kids for a few hours longer than I expected. We were all out in the garden where she had a steel bin burning random logs that had been lying around. I made the mistake of sitting down wind from it, so spent a good 30 minutes or so like one of the zombies in the John Carpenter horror movie The Fog. Needless to say having been unable to shower when I got home and getting up late to get to Clive's, I still smell like an arsonist this morning.

As usual, I was late getting up but thankfully I was astute enough to have sorted all the things I needed to take before bed so it was just a case of getting up, throwing on some clothes and getting into the car.
I arrived at Clive's at reasonable time and so we were off without issue.

After a small wait in Birmingham, the mini bus arrived and so we all got on and headed off into the wilderness which is North.

Fun in the mini bus, can't you just feel it?

Miles and miles of endless fucking north-bound road.

Others in the cast frequently moan about the comfort, or lack of, in the mini bus. Another regularly moaned about feature of the bus is that despite the 60mph speed restriction on it, Wayne still manages to drive it like he's being chased by the cops. But that said so far his driving has been reasonable enough for me to not want to rant on it. As I'm still on a self impossed rant ban, that's just as well. Though that didn't stop me having one in Clive's car on the way up to Birmingham.

One of them being about a Maysian man that came here in around 2002 and thus has just got a uk passport, moaning on tv that he's "british and proud" and wants to "contribute" and "pay tax" .... What a load of steamy bullshit! Being legit to be able to work, and after all he is skilled, fair enough! But "wanting" to pay tax? Who wants to pay tax???? Let's ask anyone over the 40% bracket shall we? Fact is, we HAVE to but hate it. We pay it whether we like it or not on fuel amongst other things. But we certainly don't give a rats ass about contribution either. As for him claiming to being British and proud? Fuck off!!! When I lived in the UAE, a lot of people I knew there were born, raised and have never left, the UAE. And yet they are not Emirati nor will ever be if none of their parents are emirati. Their rights to anything there are no more than a tourist that's come for a two week holiday when it comes down to it. My next door neighbour has lived in uk for 50 years and has never ever made out she's anything other than Polish. And if I had lived in Spain longer than the two years than I did, even if I had settled there, got a job, house and family I would still be British! End of! My kids if born there is a different matter as it would be with this guy in question.

So it made me laugh that this guy is calling himself British. He's no more British than I'm English. And I think that they (the English) would happily agree with me! It could be seen from the looks people gave him at this debate that they thought, "fuck off!" too but didn't speak out for fear of being attacked by pieces of wood with nails in it by the PC brigade.

Cynical? I guess so, absolutely spot on right? That's upto you to decide for yourselves. Everone's got a right to their own opinion after all. Free speech, you gotta love it!

So after that, I guess it's on to South Sheilds and what is most probably going to be a shower of steamy shit of a turn out for the show tonight. And as it's up northeast, "I canny wait man!"

-- Post From My iPhone


Mike, Jacqui and Ieuan Mackrill said...

Hi Steve,
I don't know about the immigrant, I agree with you that he cant call himself a Briton, cos he wasn't born in the UK, but he can be proud to be a British Citizen, and actually want to make a contribution.

IMHO, a lot of the problems with British society is there the people who want to take the benefits of British citizenship (free health care, education, the law, benefits) without the costs (Tax, not stealing shit, trying not to be a cunt 24/7).

I mean Begley is a Briton, but I would happily chuck that tortoise stealing, unemployed rats cunt off Beachy Head in favour of a hundred hard working, tax paying Poles!

Mind you, I got to be careful, I am an immigrant too! Immigrants rock!!

Stephen Mackrill said...

I completely agree with everything you said. But he didn't say he's a "British citizen" just "British"
And I also agree with you on all the white, home grown, British scum the like you see on Jeremy Kyle and Trisha every morning and every day when you walk around any UK city donning thier track suits (though I doubt any are involved with any sports whatsoever) hoods up, poor quality tattoos, smoking, talking in that lose tone loudly with course language in public areas with a kid in a pram that looks like the only time it's spoken to is to be told to "FAAAKIN SHADDAP!!"
Get the picture? Straight into the mice meat machine, no questions asked. Next week they'll be in tins of Pedigree Chum. At least they'd have been of some contribution then!